Let the Kids Do Less This Summer

Let the Kids Do Less This Summer Minimalist Family Adventures

Let the Kids Do Less This Summer

It’s the end of the school year and most people are looking forward to the school holidays and spending more time together as a family. It’s easy to fill those precious weeks with too many plans though. An overpacked schedule over the summer holidays will not offer the relaxation and calm that so many of us are craving, even the kids. Maybe especially the kids – children these days are feeling the stress of life too.

Let the Kids Do Less This Summer Minimalist Family Adventures

After another school year of early mornings, rushed breakfasts, hectic school runs and busy social schedules and after school clubs, wouldn’t it be nice to slow things down over the summer and do less instead? I know that’s what I need and I feel that my children would benefit from sleeping in, eating slowly and spending time just pottering about in the garden, riding their bikes, playing, reading and just experiencing life without a timetable for just a few weeks. 

Sure, going on a family holiday can be a great experience and days out are lots of fun too. I’m not saying that we should not do those things but to be careful not to overschedule the summer holidays to allow for some simple living too. To allow plenty of time to simply lay on the grass in the garden with a good book, to spend time playing games together, to cook slow and delicious meals in your family home. Time for doing the little things that are so natural and easy but so hard to fit into the busy schedules of everyday life during term time. 

Let the Kids Do Less This Summer Minimalist Family Adventures

We have some plans for the summer that involve travelling and visiting places but I’m trying to be mindful of leaving plenty of days for just existing and seeing what the day brings. I want the kids to do less this summer and I want to watch them be calmer and happier, creating beautiful memories together doing ordinary things. I want to do less this summer too – I want slow, calm mornings with breakfast in the garden, plenty of time for us all to read, slow walks and time to explore our near surroundings when we feel like it. Oh and lots of ice creams!

Less is more. 

Minimalist Family Adventures

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