Winter Wellness: Do These Things for Your Well-being this Winter

Winter Wellness: Do These Things for Your Well-being this Winter

Winter Wellness: Do These Things for Your Well-being this Winter

We’re getting very close to winter now. Some people love winter with all the festivities that come with Christmas, while others struggle with the short, dark days and the cold weather. Whichever way you feel, here are some things that you can do to improve your well-being this winter.

Winter Wellness Do These Things for Your Well-being this Winter Minimalist Family Adventures

Winter Wellness Tips

Make Time for Rest

Many animals go into hibernation for the winter and, though humans don’t need such an extreme rest, most of us could do with making sleep and rest a bigger priority in the winter. The darker and shorter days makes more sleep a very natural choice. Embrace a good bedtime routine to encourage a good night’s sleep and make time for relaxing at home with your loved ones.

Winter Wellness: Do These Things for Your Well-being this Winter Minimalist Family Adventures

Make Your Home Cosy

Relaxing at home is much easier when your home is cosy. Declutter your home and focus on the cosy touches that make a home feel inviting and warm in the winter. Lots of candles, cosy lighting, warm blankets, soft slippers. The cosiness of the home is one of my favourite parts of winter!

Stress Less

The run-up to Christmas can be a stressful time for many and I want to encourage you to stress less this year. Keep things simple and life will be less stressful. Don’t worry about things that don’t matter and don’t fill your diary with things that are not important to you.

Winter Wellness Do These Things for Your Well-being this Winter Minimalist Family Adventures

Make Time for Hobbies

Instead, make time for the things that you love doing, your hobbies and interests. In the winter, I love making time for calm activities at home, such as building 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzles, reading books, and playing games with my family. This year, we discovered EXIT games and have little game nights regularly with these.

Get Outside in the Daylight

Though the weather might not be appealing some days, it’s important to get out for a while everyday. Even a short walk of just 30 minutes will be beneficial. If you can, try to go out while the sun is out as this is best for our circadian rhythm.

Winter Wellness Do These Things for Your Well-being this Winter Minimalist Family Adventures

Cook & Bake from Scratch

Another thing that’s lovely to do on a cold winter day is to cook a homely meal or bake something from scratch. I love spending a few hours on a Sunday batch-cooking something that will make a future evening easier for me or simply baking an apple pie, some cookies, or a loaf of bread to enjoy.

Have Things to Look Forward to

Having things to look forward to is always good for our mental health. Make plans for this winter to do things that you enjoy – perhaps visiting a Christmas market, going for a winter hike, or meeting up with a friend? Don’t fill the calendar with things that you feel that you should attend – focus on the things you really want to do instead. You can also start making plans for spring and summer adventures.

Make winter wellness a priority this winter to enjoy the season to the fullest!

Also Read: So You’ve Completed Couch to 5K – Now What?

Minimalist Family Adventures

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