Things We Learnt From Our First Camping Trip

Things We Learnt From Our First Camping Trip
Every camping trip is a chance to learn more but the one that teaches you the most is probably your very first camping trip. That’s when you figure out what you really need and what works for you and your family. In this article, I’ll share a few important things that we learnt from our first camping trip.

1 | Take nice coffee
If you love coffee, make sure the coffee you take with you when you go camping is nice too. It will make a huge difference after a slightly rough night’s sleep if you can wake up to a tasty and comforting cup of coffee. We made the mistake of trying a new kind that came in sachets for our first camping trip and it was not good. From then on, we decided to only take coffee that we know we like!
2 | Don’t overpack
Even though we tried very hard to pack very minimally for our first camping trip, there’s one thing that we overpacked – food! We packed way too many snacks and other food items, worrying about the kids having enough things that they like and so on. We should’ve researched the surrounding amenities a bit better before packing a huge plastic box full of food. There was a lovely pub with a great menu a few minutes’ walk from our campsite, a shop onsite and a big supermarket in the village nearby so we could’ve packed a lot less food. Lesson learnt!

3 | Microfiber towels to the rescue!
I had packed a few compact travel towels from Tesalate for showers and general towel needs. Our first camping trip ended up being a very rainy (and stormy!) experience and we had lots of condensation in our tent. We used one of the Tesalate towels for drying the tent’s inside and it worked so well that, from then on, we always pack a spare one for this purpose. We have a smaller gym towel size that’s perfect for this.
4 | Avoid queues
If you’re staying at a campsite with toilet and shower facilities, avoid queues by choosing to shower at more odd times. Lots of people shower in the morning and quite a few in the evening too. Go late afternoon or in the middle of the day if you can to avoid having to wait in line for your shower.